The Orzammar Circle was pivotal in trying to bring peace bewteen the two, but soon many in the Circle began choosing sides.

Tensions rose bewteen Orzammar and the rest of Fereldan. A distant relative of Bhelen Aeducan was recruited to The Grey Wardens and he brought back honor to the Aeducan name. The Grey Wardens recruited many mages from the Circle, even dwarves. The Grey Wardens of Fereldan were looking to rebuild their order and the looked to the new Orzammar Circle for recruits. The Circle even if only to study the effects or properties of Lyrium. Wynne returned to the Circle along with Shale, and Wynne became the First Enchanter for the Orzammar Circle of Magi. Mages from Orlais and Antiva were sent to be Senior Enchanters for the new Circle. With the Circle finished many dwarves and mages flocked to see this new wonder.