I was very impressed they made it a point to update the multiplayer aspect of the game because it was getting stale by the end of Heart of the Storm. But we know what is going to keep players playing this for a long time is the multiplayer and boy has blizzard revamped the multiplayer options like the new co-op missions, archon mod and the daily tournaments every 2 hours or so. Cinematics is top rate on their cut-scenes as well.

Blizzard is the grandmaster when it comes to how to make single player RTS seem fresh and unique even though it is a RTS. But we know what is going to keep players playing this for a long time is the multiplayer and boy has blizzard revamped the The single player campaign is very good, lots of variety and how a mission is done.

The single player campaign is very good, lots of variety and how a mission is done.